What's Growing In My Garage? - Can you say Sturzkampfflugzeug?
I have had many people inquire about this seemingly unusual hobby I got into a number of years ago. As a result of their curiosity, I've had quite a few visitors over the years to "the Stukaworks" - my garage - and many more who have requested a visit. I can't accommodate everyone all the time so I decided to do something about it.
First, I will tell you what this video series is not. It is not a regularly scheduled series, there is no timetable for programming. It is a hobby, after all, and I work on it as I have the time to do so. Also, it is not a tutorial on how to build an aircraft. They are all unique and I'm no expert. There is a lot of technical information out there on how to do that and builders with a lot more experience than I.
What these videos will address is the development, construction, and progress of "Gretchen," my unique aircraft, and the tried-and-true and experimental methods I used in creating her. I will share what I've learned from my experiences with many very talented, generous and knowledgeable people on the subject and show the results of that information.
This is a video journal, a progress report, an unscripted, unrehearsed, informal, off-the-cuff presentation; a series about the construction of my experimental aircraft: a scaled version of a WWII German dive bomber known as the StuKa. Episodes will be posted as progress dictates and questions are sent in. Go here for background information or the project. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for episode updates.
There is one thing I can promise: I will clean the garage before we record the first real episode! So, if you have any questions write them down, send them via my website and I will address them in upcoming episodes. Thanks for looking. Auf wiedersehen! ~ JW